On being Plant Based/Vegan

It's funny how many weird looks I receive when I express I eat a plant based diet... "so you're vegan"... well not really I am in it for the health benefits and the science of eating purely plant based. It's not to be labeled as being a Vegan...  and then I find myself asking what is so weird about being a vegan? Why do I become the outcast?

I challenge others to not shut down vegans with comments like - "Oh my, I could never be vegan." - "I couldn't live without cheese." - "I need my protein." - "Oh that must be difficult." - "Wow, then what can you eat?" Instead just look at me as I am. A human who eats what she likes, a woman who knows the food she chooses to eat fuel her cells and make her thrive. 


10 Facts On Being Vegan:

1. The term “vegan”, for someone refraining from eating or using any animal products, was coined in 1994 by Vegan Society founder Donald Watson. 

2. According to the American Dietetic Association (ADA), people who follow a vegan or vegetarian diet tend to display lower blood cholesterol, lower blood pressure, less chance of getting colon and prostate cancer, and a decreased rate of Ischemic Heart Disease.

3. A study done by Nobel Prize winner Elizabeth Blackburn found that a vegan diet caused more than 500 genes to change in three months, turning on genes that prevent disease and turning off genes that cause cancer, heart disease, and other illnesses.

4. Vegan living often reduces the intake of saturated fat, animal hormones, and cholesterol while increasing the intake of fresh fruits and veggies. That has the potential to reduce the risk of cancer, diabetes, obesity, and heart disease.

5. Vegans get their protein from products like lentils, black beans, other legumes, nuts, rice, dark leafy greens and other vegetables, as well as some fortified products & soy (but you really do not need the fortified products, I recommend sticking to whole foods)

6. Vegans intake calcium with foods like broccoli, bok choy, chinese cabbage, collards, kale.

7. Plant protein comes with less (to no) fat than animal products. Plant protein also has fiber which is lacking from animal products. "Virtually all Americans get enough protein, but less than 3% of Americans get the minimum recommended intake of fiber."

9. Getting rid of fatty foods (including all animal products, oils, and maybe even nuts and seeds) has been shown to reduce acne

10. New research was published in the Nutrition Journal, stating that those that don’t eat any meat are happier and less stressed than those that eat meat. :) Researchers are attributing it to fatty acids. Diets that include meat and fish are higher in arachidonic acid (AA), an animal source of omega-6 fatty acids and previous research has shown high levels of AA can cause mood-disturbing brain changes.


The first changes I had going Plant Based(Vegan):

Skin - Once I removed dairy, eggs and meat out of my life, the cystic acne, red bumps and itchy skin began to clear up. Now it comes back around my chin when I eat greasy or oily foods, between my eyebrows when i eat too much sugar, and on my cheeks when I do either of these things and do not get enough sleep. 

Emotions - I was actually having a mini panic attack at how aware of how I was of how I was feeling. a few weeks after going plant based I had an unbelievable amount of awareness of what I wanted and what I didn't want. I was overwhelmed with the ability to actually be knowing how I felt. I could pick it out of the cluster of things going on around me, acknowledge the issue and let it go like never before. The awareness of my emotions has continued to get better and now I am learning how to even help others process their emotions as I have increased my mental clarity with a Plant Based Diet. 

Body Awareness - I started to feel my fingers, toes and limbs in a different way. Each joint had more space... running felt lighter and free. I noticed a different sense of my body. Also, became aware of how what I eat influences my menstrual cycle. I will be writing a post on that soon. 

Healing - Overall, being plant based or Vegan as most like to call it has brought physical and mental healing to myself, and not only myself but I get to be one tiny part of the large movement bringing healing to our planet, the animals, and other living organisms on it. 


I'm not the perfect Vegan...

Although I know the facts and I would like to see my body thrive to it's fullest, I have cheated many times and had dairy, processed sugars and eggs in many desserts & baked goods... In my opinion, at 25 if I wanted to eat desserts or foods, that I already know are bad for me, why not just have them with the animal products. At 25, without any health concerns (that I am aware of) I felt ok with a desserts in my life. However, as it is a month before my 26th birthday, and I have started a new exercise routine, it is now my goal to avoid those products and completely eliminate desserts with animal products and processed sugars! The good thing is, I've had about three years of practice making vegan, no oil & no processed sugar desserts and not only do they taste delicious but they also do not make me feel gross or give me blemishes! 

This transition seems to be coming naturally as I feel how disgusting my body feels after I indulge and I notice my acne flare up. It truly has been fun to almost use myself as an experiment, slowing realizing how my body responds to the food I eat and exercise.

It is my goal is a to create a lifestyle I won't need a vacation or a diet from. A thriving body that naturally knows what foods, exercises, jobs and hobbies will help it live my best life, and it would be really wonderful if in turn, sharing what I've done helps others live their best lives too! 

That's all for now!



Katherine Palms